The right shoes
Hiking requires good footwear! In order to choose the right hiking boots, you should consider three criteria: soles, shaft heights and uppers. The more difficult the hike, the stiffer the soles of your boot need to be so that you have sufficient grip. Similarly, the shaft height stabilizes the ankles in steep terrain. Depending on your overall condition, light trekking shoes or trail running footwear are sufficient for easy ground (T1-T2).
In spring, autumn, winter, or in uncertain weather conditions, waterproof uppers like Goretex are recommended. These uppers protect your feet against moisture, but they make the boots less breathable.
Note: Our feet expand while walking, so hiking shoes should always be generously sized.
Buying your shoes at a specialty outdoor retailer is worth the money because everyone’s feet are different and therefore good counselling is important.
Breathable socks
You shouldn’t underestimate how important socks are for walking comfort: they should fit comfortably and prevent blisters as much as possible. Good socks do not wrinkle, are breathable, and keep your feet dry. You can choose from a variety of materials. The combination of wool and synthetic fibres for a tighter fit has proven to be very effective.